Monday, April 5, 2010

Prison Writings

After reading this book, I have decided that I really like the layout. One of the things that I like about it is that at the beginning of the book it goes over the court case. This allows a reader who otherwise would not have known about Leonard Peltier and his story, to catch up and be able to go right into the actual book. It was nice having seen the film of this story in class, because I could get both sides of the story, instead of just the defendants side as is in the book.
Once the case is gone over at the front, it goes into the story after Peltier is convicted. Life did not seem very fun. It is hard to read Peltier's troubles in prison and then look at the picture of his cell. It is interesting to me that he can have so many personal belongings in his cell. From the looks of it, he is at a minimal security prison, which seems weird since he was charged with two counts of murder. To me it seems as if the government is saying here have a nice place to live since we screwed you over.
The main thing that won me over was the chronology in this story. I like it when a story is easy to follow and there is not a lot of hopping around. I really enjoyed these last two books more than the first three. I don't know if it is just me, but the picture of Peltier really reminds me of Ron Jeremy. It is just the long hair and the creepy mustache.

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